The Napa Valley: 4 Things You Didn’t Know About this Famous Wine Region

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In honor of Winey Wednesday, we thought we’d give you a little glimpse into the Napa Valley and what makes this famous region so unique – and perfect for growing grapes. So why is the Napa Valley so perfect for growing the best grapes? Read on to learn a few things you probably didn’t know this famous region:


The Climate Exists in Just 2% of the World


So here’s something you can’t replicate: climate. The Napa Valley is considered a Mediterranean climate, a climate that exists in just 2% of the world. This climate type is made up of dry, warm days, mild temperatures during most of the year, and cooler evenings. The result? A perfect climate to grow the best grapes.


The Napa Valley Sits on a Fault Line


The San Andreas fault runs vertically up the coast of California, but the Napa Valley is in what’s known as a “step-over,” an area where the fault line just stops, skips a region of land, and then picks back up. 


Shifting Plates Make for Mineral Rich Soil


Not only does the region exist within a rare climate, but the shifting plates within the region provide some of the most mineral rich soil in the world. The soil is made up of shale, limestone, and other rock varieties only found in the Napa Valley.


The Mountain Ranges Provide Protection


Not one – but two – mountain ranges flank the Napa Valley, providing protection from wind and weather. The Vaca Mountain range and the Mayacamas mountain range were both formed through years of tectonic activity. 


Now that you’re feeling a little smarter, who’s ready for Winey Wednesday?! Pick your poison – red, white, or sparkling – then join us at Tricky Fish in Richardson, Texas or Fort Worth, Texas to experience half priced wines all day long!