Insider Secrets: How to Grill the Perfect Fish at Home

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Summer is here and that can only mean one thing: summer grilling!

We know you love to come into Tricky Fish for your grilled or fried fish fix, but when you want to enjoy some tasty fish at home, it can seem overwhelming. 

Many people are overwhelmed by the idea of cooking fish at home. Oven, grill, etc. – the delicate nature of fish can make it seem quite daunting. Have no fear! Our expert team at Tricky Fish – one of the best restaurants in Richardson - offers the following insider secrets on how to grill the perfect fish at home this summer for your next cookout:

Step 1: Limit Marinades

Marinades are optimal for many kinds of meat because they seal in flavors and penetrate the meats. The downside of this is that they actually begin to break down the meat in the process. With fish, it is already so flaky and delicate that any added breakdown in the meat is just not optimal. Instead, if you want to marinade, limit it to a couple of hours vs. overnight.

Step 2: Coat in Oil

Fish can be hard to grill because it does lose moisture quickly. One of the best ways to lock in moisture is to slather a rich olive oil or avocado oil all over your fish prior to grilling. This locks in moisture and prevents the fish from getting dried out.

Step 3: Preheat Grill to Optimum Temperature

As with any grilling, make sure your grill is preheated to the desired temperature prior to putting on the meat. If you put meat on too soon, the meat will stick to the grates, and when fish are involved, this generally means a big mess for you! Shoot for 400-500 degrees Fahrenheit prior to adding your fish.

Step 4: Close the Lid

For fish, you absolutely do not want to overcook, according to the best restaurants in Richardson. The less cook time the better, so close the grill lid as you cook fish. This allows the top of the fish to begin to cook while you sear the bottom. One last quick flip at the end and your fish is done!

Step 5: Foil is Your Friend

When working with fish, many light fish varieties just don’t stand up well on the grill. A salmon filet may work okay, but lighter cod may not. When in doubt, go ahead and spray a piece of foil down with oil and wrap the fish in the foil for grilling. Or even just use the foil on the grill as an added barrier to prevent fish from falling through.

As always, when you don’t feel like cooking and want the best fish in town, come see us at Tricky Fish, one of the best restaurants in Richardson or Fort Worth!